Saturday, November 29, 2014

Pass the Page Kit Please - A Thanksgiving Tribute

2014 is quickly coming to a close.  It has been one of those years that I don't think I will miss when it is over.  There certainly have been some memorable events that took place, but between the craziness of work and family life, the focus seems to have been more about just getting things done. 

I am thankful that in years past I have always had time for my creative outlets - cooking, writing, photography and scrapbooking - but this year, my time was filled with other things.  One might say that I'm imagining it and that I still took as many photos as years past, or I spent plenty of time piecing together pages for the girls albums.  But I'm here today to tell you that's just not the case.

At the beginning of the month, I sat down at my kitchen table, the first time in a year, to start working on page kits that I purchased about a year ago.  My intent when the kits arrived was to do a page a week.  As you can guess, that didn't happen.

Halloween 2013
It was at that moment I realized that I wasn't making time for myself anymore.  I was so focused on work and my family that I briefly (or not so briefly) forgot that I needed to make time for myself.  I openly pledged on Facebook, that I was going to try and complete one album, a 2013 album of the girls, before the years end.  Now, for some of you that might not seem like a big deal, but for me it is a huge undertaking. 
In order to accomplish this task, I hate to say it, I'm not relying purely on my own creativity.  I have given into the time saving, lovely page kits that I have found on the internet and been able to order.  I am thankful that these kits exist, because without them, I don't think I would even have a chance to accomplish my goal for the year. 
To make the pages my own, of course I add pictures of my beautiful girls, age with inks, write personal notes and embellish with buttons and ribbons if the mood strikes me. I am thankful I have my beautiful family to photograph and I am still able to find time an hour or two a week to put these kits together.  But on some level it makes me sad that I just don't have the time to play with the paper combinations and make the pages work myself. 
The good new is that I'm well on my way to finishing a 2013 Sisters Album.   I have about six months covered and I have six more to go with five weekends left in the year.  
Sisters 2013
My goal is clearly set.  I will achieve it.  I'm looking forward to the new year, when I can carve out some me time and hopefully get some much needed time away for a scrapbooking weekend so that I can return to the paper crafting activity I love so much.
PS - I am thankful for my followers...for those of you still following.